Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Trout session

 After a long week off of the bank, I was itching to get my tackle together and have a go, change of  scenery and a change of target species, so yesterday i went for some Brown Trout.

 With the snow over the last couple of days the river was up and very coloured due to the melt water but in the shallower water the Trout were feeding really well and had 2 small ones around 3-4ozs each and after a short walk down river did manage to get one that gave a good account of itself, which was very nicely marked, which weighed just over a pound, after that i did get another small Trout and then the Gudgeon moved in and after catching 16 of them, I moved off down river.

                                                       A nice little Brownie

 So after searching out a couple of good looking Barbel hide-outs for a later date, I noticed a patch of bubbles out in the middle of the river so with a trusty piece of hovis i cast out and within a minute the float slid away and latched into a good solid fish, but what was it?. After a good scrap and a couple of minutes later, i landed a nice chunky Carp, the second in a fortnight.

Ended up with this 6lbs 3oz Common

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