Monday 24 June 2013

Chub fishing, re-post of an old post.

 This post was originally posted just before the end of the 2011-2012 season, nothing new added.

Post originally titled Chub Fishing.

This year ive been on form with the captures of specimen sized fish of different species and today it was'nt any different, but starting from the beggining, the session got off to a good start with my first fish being a 4lbs 3oz Chub and was quickly followed by another two Chub slowly getting smaller 3lbs 1oz and 2lbs 14oz, then i got a couple of surprises, one being a Dace and the other a redfin!.

Not beating any records but been a while. 4oz

 I used to catch alot of Dace and Roach on this river but over the last 5 years they have all but disappeared and Chub have just ruled supreme, Chub are a good species to fish for but i'd prefer a 20lb bag of Dace-Roach mix anyday, but anyway back to the fishing and the next cast was met with a very forceful dive downstream, so I knew this was a good fish and then it came in like a sack of spuds, 20 seconds of energy.... hmmmm, that's why I love Barbel fishing, when I landed it though I thought I had a 5lb + fish in the net, it looked every bit of 5lb and was very nearly that, at 4lbs 15oz.

Picture does'nt do this fish justice! 4lbs 15oz.

 After that Chub I did have another Dace at about 8oz and two more Chub around the 2lb mark, so I headed down stream to carry on the exploit and into my next swim, which was a nice deep hole about 5 feet deep and a big boulder in the middle of the river directing flow either side of the river leaving a massive eddy in the middle and this is where all the fun was, within four casts I had four Chub between 2lbs 11oz and 3lbs 9oz, which was then followed by another Dace about 6oz, then after a bit of a lull for around 20 minutes I just kept feeding maggots into the swim as this was my preffered choice of bait for the day, with the wait over, it was time to cast back out into the eddy and had a take first trot and straight away I saw the fish and I know there are very big Chub here and this was one of them, my river pb was from this swim not so long ago of 5lbs 6oz and this fish looked bigger and after a couple of minutes fighting it was in my net and I could find out if I was right, but before weighing it, I just took a couple of moments to take in the sight of this immense Chub, my biggest ever from this river.

 5lbs 10oz what a Cracker!!!! a new river personal best.

 This Chub as far as I know is the biggest Chub from this little system a big acclaim but I've never heard of a Chub this big out of here and I found small article about Chub river records in England and the official Chub record was 5lbs 8oz, 2 thumbs up for me!, but with that amazing fish returned I carried on fishing and within three casts I was into another fish and it was a Barbel, this was two in two trips now and this one was not as big but what a fantastic fight in the deep water, absolute fun indeed even if it was only 5lbs 11oz, this species of fish is welcome in my net anytime they like, my second Barbel this season.

5lbs 11oz of pure power.

 As time was starting to get on I then moved down to the Thames to have a bash at trotting for Bream and did only manage the one, it's been unusually quiet for Bream this year for me, the one i did manage was 4lbs on the dot (not a beast, but it'll do).

 That's probably it for this neck of the woods now for a few month's, hopefully the Bream move back down for Hampton and up from Teddington and the little river gets some more water coming through some parts are far too low. Adios for now.


  1. Hi James it was a pleasure to meet you on Wednesday and thanks for taking the time to chat with me I could of sat and talked fishing for hours if I had the time. I look forward to reading your adventures this season.
    you are a proper gentleman.

  2. My husband and I separated recently. We’ve been married for six years now and it’s been an abusive relationship in all types of way. I want to figure out myself and fix my own issues so I can be a great mom and wife but I feel like is a waste of time to try to fix my marriage because it’s broken down and I’m emotionally drained and I just want to focus on my kids. And I feel it’s unfair for me to try to fix something that I’m the only one that’s putting effort into. I’m so confused. That had been my decisions until i came across an article in a blog on how Dr.Ogudugu ( helped many people to restore broken marriages/relationships. I quickly contacted him, and he told me what i should do, which i did immediately. Within 48hours my husband came back and the greatest part of it is that my husband has changed completely, he no longer abuses or insults me. Today, he has become a loving and caring husband.

  3. Just nu är det väldigt enkelt och lätt att få tillbaka din ex-kärlek med Dr.oduduwa kärlekstrollformel, inom 2 dagar är din kärlek återställd och din ex-kärlek kommer tillbaka till dig.
    Få en gratis onlinekonsultation nu via hans personliga e-postadress:

  4. Jag delar mitt personliga vittnesbörd för att hjälpa andra som kan gå igenom en liknande situation som jag. Jag heter Sarah Alexander och jag fick nyligen tillbaka min ex-kärlekspartner med hjälp av Dr. Oduduwa, en kraftfull trollformel.

    Jag och mitt ex hade varit i ett förhållande i nästan två år innan vi bröt upp på grund av vissa missförstånd och olikheter. Det var en svår tid för mig eftersom jag var djupt kär i honom, och jag kunde inte föreställa mig att leva utan honom. Jag försökte allt för att få tillbaka honom, men ingenting verkade fungera.

    En dag när jag surfade på internet kom jag över Dr. Oduduwas hemsida och jag bestämde mig för att prova. Jag kontaktade honom via hans e-postadress, och han svarade snabbt. Han bad om lite information om mig och min ex-kärlekspartner, och han försäkrade mig att han kunde hjälpa mig att få tillbaka min ex-kärlekspartner.

    Dr. Oduduwa kastade en kärleksförtrollning åt mig, och inom några dagar märkte jag några positiva förändringar i mitt exs beteende mot mig. Han började ringa och smsa mig regelbundet, och vi gick till och med ut på en dejt. Det var som om vi aldrig hade gjort slut. Jag var överlycklig och tacksam mot Dr Oduduwa för hans hjälp.

    Nu är jag och min ex-kärlekspartner tillbaka tillsammans, och vårt förhållande är starkare än någonsin tidigare. Dr. Oduduwas kärleksförtrollning fungerade som magi, och jag är ett levande vittnesbörd om det. Jag rekommenderar starkt Dr. Oduduwa till alla som går igenom en liknande situation.
    Hans e-postadress är
    Jag är säker på att han kommer att kunna hjälpa dig också, precis som han hjälpte mig.


Filling In the Time.

   Fishing of late has taken bit of a back seat recently owing to my constant hectic work schedule, so in this episode of James' Angling...