Friday, 28 May 2021

Slightly off Topic.

 It's no secret that I have enjoyed the miniature beasts hunting since last April and I have continued from where I left off. Wanting to photograph Adders, Common Lizards and keep adding to my Butterfly count which will hopefully culminate in collecting images of all 59 of the British Isles species.

 I began on 45 species and have since added to that total with the successful tracking down of the "Pearl Boarded Fritillary". It is now time to get a Marsh Fritillary ( Battlesbury in Wiltshire) and Small Pearl Boarded Fritillary ( Park Corner Heath ), plus a better shot of a "Wall", then calculate emergences of different species with fishing trips to kill two birds with some one stone.

 Large Heath is Lancashire, Large Blue in the SW, Swallowtail in Norfolk, Large Tortoiseshell in Portland along with the Lulworth Skipper, Black Hairstreak on Epsom Common, then it really starts to get serious in terms of travel.

 4 species can only be found up in Scotland and requires a large slice of luck with the weather when making the journey up, but that will be for another time. 

 Here are some images of the "PBF" and some other butterflies and Lizards/Snakes.

A male and female Orange Tip.

Green Hairstreak.

Freshly emerged Small Blue.

Dingy Skipper.

Female Orange Tip.

Glanville Fritillary.

Pearl Boarded Fritillary. Species no:46.

Duke of Burgundy with abberation.

Grizzled Skipper.

Common Lizard posing for me.

Morning Adder warming up.


  1. You've set yourself a difficult but achievable target. I wish you luck with your timings - especially for this year.

    1. Touch wood I can strike when those opportunities arise! Only time will tell.


Not So Sweet 17....

   After my trip to the Dorset Stour on the Thursday I opted to head home for a good nights sleep and woke up on the Friday morning fresh an...