Sunday, 25 December 2022

Chub Video - YouTube.

 I shall start by wishing all my readers a very merry Christmas and a prosperous 2023 which hopefully will be filled with fun, good memories and more importantly plenty of rod bending experiences!


 I haven't been on here much of late, to tell the truth I have barely been out fishing as life has dominated proceedings. Money making and family (rightly so) taking up most of my time, but once Christmas is done I will be looking to head out for Roach in the cooler conditions and when it warms up the Barbel will be back on the radar.

 Around 2 months ago I was approached by Drennan International who asked me whether I would like to do some filming and I jumped at the chance, working with Drennan? Yes please. So I organised a date and a time to meet and early December it was shoot day. Chub were the target, on the centrepin and float.

 The video can be found here ------)

 Now this was the first time I had ever been in front of a camera and found it a rather odd experience but felt that it came out well, Laurence, who is fishing fanatic himself was behind the camera capturing some pukka moments and felt coupled with some obliging Chub made for content to do a video. This is always a fear if the fish aren't playing the script, luckily I knew the pegs I choose would provide some decent sport. 

 The bigger fish did elude us but you can't have it all. Seeing some Barbel was also great as there aren't many in this particular tributary so I will be back for them come January. 

 Hopefully in the new year there will be some good news and kick off 2023 in a positive manner.

 Even though fishing trips have been lean since October the odd venture to the Loddon has been undertaken with nothing more than a nibble from the pre-hibernating Crayfish. I will get my Loddon one day....6 sessions down, 57 hrs and not one single bite. Tough old cookie.


  1. Enjoyed it James, hopefully more to come !!! and to be fair you came across well on camera :) but yes feel your pain, been a busy time for me of late, far too much going on, I manage a few hours here and there.

    1. I really appreciate it Mick, I hope there will be more in the near future.

      Time waits for none of us and making money and keeping the finances ticking along nicely I must work! :)

      I have noticed you haven't been on as much as usual, do you expect a bit more free time come Feb?

    2. :) I'm filling my boots at the moment must admit, I've been off since the 16th of December and very lucky got so much water around me. I'm out before the rabble wake up and back before lunch, seems to work well

    3. It's brilliant having that flexibility of good waters close by! Finally got out today, back out tomorrow too after Dace and Roach.

  2. Well done James. Think I will watch it again!! Not watched enough TV this christmas yet!

    1. Thanks mate! I hope I don't bore you! watch it was many times as you like, I am hoping there will be more in the pipeline in the not too distant future.

      Christmas TV is crap anyway, the Carl and Alex USA film they did is worth a watch, the boys did good!

  3. A good watch, well done, a step towards stardom.... be careful how you tread.
    That last fish was an ugly so and so, proper underbite going on there but all good fun on the float and pin.

    1. Thanks a lot Dave! but stardom it is not, it's only angling - smelly, slime covered anglers :)

      As for the Chub, yes I didn't get the numbers I hoped for nor size, the Minke have clearly been very busy cleaning out the stocks, once upon a time in a 6hr session you could land fifty to sixty Chub and maybe a Barbel, I managed to scrape six together for the film, which was enough content but hoped i would also come across a couple of 5lb+ Chub too but that never happened.

      Nothing lasts forever....

  4. Totally missed this post (blanking for pike on The Wye). Brilliant video, looking forward to the next - nice one!

    1. No worries mate, Wye pike are more important, looking forward to the next instalment of Wally Denison on the banks.


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