Saturday, 27 April 2013

Fluff Chucking Part Three.

 Today's fishing comprised of what wasn't, all week I had a trip to Marsh Farm planned and all the bait and gear was by my parents front door last night in preparation to just wake up get showered and dressed but just after 5am, it wasn't my alarm that woke me up to get a move on but the sound of a torrential rain storm battering the windows, it was raining so hard that I could barely make the houses on the other side of the road, with that I turned my alarm off and went back to bed for a couple of hours, what a shame! I was really looking forward to going there for the first time, maybe next week.

 But I'm on holiday for a week or so I'd decided to head off out with a fly rod after Trout again, I'd seemed to hit a purple patch the last couple of sessions and I hoped I'd continue that rich vein of form, it is something I'm enjoying a lot, plus the casting is also improving with every outing.

 Fishing for these powerful fish on this light rod and reel is immense fun and could never get bored of it and today was no different because I had banked four Brown Trout to 2lbs 13oz ( 2lb 12oz, 2lb 4oz, 1lb 2oz ) and my first Chub this season on the fly, all my fish today fell to a fly that I had made a couple of years ago up in Cumbria and I still have no idea what it was I'd made, if anyone can shed light on it then let me know. The tail is made up of old Christmas tinsel and the fish seemed to adore it.

A plump 2lb + Chub on my tinsel fly.

Best of the day, again not a monster but great fun.

 The only thing that went right today was the red tinsel fly, but I'll make it out to Marsh Farm next week, I have a date with a Cruscian Carp. Also I have just purchased a Panasonic GF3 compact DSLR camera which is what took these pictures at first glance it's a great camera light and small but nearly all the main features you come to expect of from a full-size DSLR and with Full-HD recording as well so watch out for my attempt of a fishing video. (should be a laugh).

1 comment:

End of Season Review.

   The 2024/25 season was certainly one of the quickest, I can not believe its over already but it was pretty good!   Highlights of the seas...