Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Covert Carping Part Four.

 Another morning and another early trip out before work, maybe a week or so ago I fashioned roughly an hour before a trip into London and with the conditions behaving the fish were in an obliging mood with two twenty pound plussers nailed within 15 minutes of each other.

 Typically I had a look around before starting but very little showed to begin with, I suspect the cooler night put them down slightly but as the sun got up above the treeline the activity began, however the amount of sightings was drastically down on recent trips with only a few showing, out of those few two were intercepted and put on the bank.

 The first Carp was spotted feeding amongst some young lily pads with it's large paddle waving up in the water as it grazed at the stems of the pads, the slow sinking bread flake lasted no time at all. The scrap was pretty intense and put my tackle to the test which is always enjoyable, the second Carp however was even better, not the fact it was bigger but the fight was great fun.

 On the Rueben's this Mirror weighed in at 21.14 and had a random cluster of scales on a wholley leather body.

 The second fish was this stunning Common Carp which tipped the scales at 25.05 and is possibly one of the prettiest Carp I've ever caught, if they all looked like this then I'd fish for them more!

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