Saturday, 17 March 2018

Trotting Rocks, End Of.

 Over the years I have not hidden my absolute faith in trotting for barbel and better still the use of bread flake. The use of bread seems to come as a surprise to many anglers I speak to regarding the question as to what are the best baits to use. I look no further than bread on more pressured venues and ones where minnows aren't as prolific, all I know is that bread on its day will out fish any other bait and costs no more than £1, what more could you want?....well, maybe a few of these to make the day complete.

 Before work I had a couple of hours on the river (14th March) to target a barbel, my last trip down didn't set the world alight but after an hour my target was achieved, a really plump barbel around the 4lb mark on my old stick.

 Eight hours later I arrived back at the river and I didn't look back, hitting the ground running could be a good way to describe the first twenty minutes. It was so manic that my first four trots resulted in three barbel and a tree when a cast went astray rather amateurishly, but there was nothing amateurish about the way the barbel were taken, a float set at around 3 inches overdepth with a big lump of flake and held back gently to glance the bottom. When it works its deadly and I can't stress the joy of seeing the float slip under and my split cane rod hoop over under the strain.

 Fish weighing at 3+, upper 4 and 8lb 8oz was great to experience and after moving swim I hooked and landed my best of the day at 9lb 1oz, a lovely clean barbel with one small blemish which really put up a stern fight, which was later followed up by one more youngster probably a low 4lber.

 I will miss these for the next 6 months as my carp challenge is now underway, more of that on another post.

The better of the two small ones.



I worked out that on this particular watercourse for the season

I had the following results:

 Sessions (between 1 to 6hrs): 16
 Blanks: 6
 Total barbel landed: 22
 Doubles: 3 ( 11.00, 10.07 & 10.05 )


  1. Superb James, made me rethink me approach next season as I certainly don't float fish enough....

    1. From what I have seen Mick you have some parts of the W.Avon that would suit that approach, it wouldn't surprise me if you did really well with it.

  2. That’s the way to do it!

    What a way to finish the season.

    1. Thoroughly enjoyed it and earned my coin between both outings. Not bad at all.

  3. That's a rod I have been thinking about adding to my collection. I'm sure it will happen one day. Well done on those fish.


Pleasure Fishing on the Itchen.

   To kick off the year I paid a visit to the Itchen with my younger brother Rich and the plan was to drown some maggots and catch what we c...