Monday 15 April 2019

Spring Carping: Part Two, Quick Draw.

 A couple of days later and back on the park lake, fishing apparently had got a little tougher owing to two clear nights prior to my next trip and my brother Richard joined me for a couple of hours on the bank, with a fairly brisk wind I found stalking the carp tricky and having stuck to the task for about thirty minutes I finally caved in and dropped two rigs out over a sprinkling of chopped boilies.

 We decided to plot up together and have a little catch-up, little did we know that after half an hour or so Rikki' right hand rod would melt off! It seemed like a good fish too as I readied my camera to get some action shots, no sooner did I finally get my camera out the bag his middle rod then started to scream off!...all happening then! I plonked the camera down and leant into the other rod.

 The one I was connected to didn't feel special so I allowed it very little by way of line and within a couple of minutes number one was in, bearing in mind Rikki was still playing his! taking his time is an understatement but he did finally get there and a pristine pair of common carp took a breather in the net before we weighed and photographed them.

Two in a bed :) 

Top: 23lb 1oz and Bottom 15lb 9oz. Not bad bro!

 For me the only action was that experienced on my brother rod, my two rods remained motionless before we both called time on it. 


  1. Of coursecarp can pull but if you a bend in the rod and keep at it.... not quite the same with my Drennnan Specimen Tench and 5lb line though.

  2. Just found your blog - very nice. Some good looking carp in that lake, good luck on that thirty.

    1. Cheers Dave, I hope to get closer to that target, only time will tell. james.


Teme Tiger Recon - Part 1

   Following on from my big result on the R.Wye and only 36 miles from the R.Teme it seemed to be the logical next step, at 7am I was cruisi...