Saturday, 21 January 2012

Drought over

 Set out last night in search of ending this dry spell on the Barbel front and having had alot of rain in the morning brought the river level up and also plenty of colour, so the conditions couldnt be better and within 10 minutes, i had a typical wrap around and was in to a Barbel which gave me a very good scrap, which is always a very pleasant thing to experience, sheer power!.

 Just before reviving it and slipping her back got a couple of piccy's and weighed it and went 6lbs 2oz of pure muscle, a sight for sore eyes indeed.

 Winter Barbel 6lbs 2oz.

  After that i did get quite a few more takes that i couldnt hit so i changed my rig and used a much simplier tactic and within 5 minutes i had a fish on but when it took the bait it charged off differently than how the Barbel usually do and a couple of minutes later managed to land the culprit which turned out to be an 8lbs 3oz Common Carp!!! my first Carp from this river in a very long time, so after doing the honours, slipped it back and went home.

A chunky Common Carp 8lbs 3oz

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