Sunday, 15 September 2013

Bars of Silver.

 After a short while off of the bank due to work mainly and other commitments, I managed to get a small session in this afternoon, due to the constant rain I knew it wasn't going to be a long one either, whilst walking the banks I did see Barbel in a few swims and also some Chub knocking about but nothing really wanted to feed, quite surprisingly aswell due to the amount of rain, as I thought it would spur them into a feeding frenzy but after four hours it never really happened.

 But thanks to the silver's population on my local river, it provided me with the only sport of the day, a mix of Roach and Dace were to be the only species caught, a couple of years ago the silver fish population was at a very low level due to the over predation of the Cormorant, but over the last 12 months only a handful have been sighted, much to the relief of anglers like myself.

 Unfortunately the rain persisted and got heavier and heavier, after an hour of the rain it was time to call it a day, next trip hopefully the Warks Avon with Jeff Hatt weather permitting.


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