Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Super Spotty's Take Two.

 Well, what can I say about the fly fishing I have experienced over the last month, a number of good sized Trout have been caught and even though a 3 or 4lb Trout is a very big fish on any river or lake/reservoir, but I have noticed a distinct lack on much larger cock & hen Trout within the system with the largest being around the 4.8 area, the 5's and 6's seem to have all disappeared, so I like a challenge and headed off out fly-fishing again in search of this elusive monster that must still exist, just that I haven't seen them, the weather though unfortunately was due to be pretty dire and it did it's best to stay true as it bucketed down most of the day and just as I would get dry it would rain again, with that all said the session has been the best I've ever experienced and here's why.

Perfect little fly muncher.
 This was one of three sub-one-pounders that I had which were caught during a half hour spell of rain interrupted fishing, after these, fish became hard to find and when I did locate brownies they weren't feeding and some very accurate casting couldn't even tempt them, then as the afternoon started the larger Trout started to show themselves as I moved beat, the next handful of fish were to all be over deemed as decent to massive the first one being (2lb 10oz), then the next 20 minutes late was weighed at (3lb 3oz) which was a stunning specimen but was backed up by even bigger fish, the next was caught on a size 18 dry on the first cast into the swim and put up a sturdy scrap, this one weighed a healthy (3lb 7oz).

The non-blind eye side, 3.7.

3.7, which was blind in one eye.
Another 3lber (3.3). Amazing colours and very veracious.
 The session though got better, before the (3.3) I had another Trout but this were more than a pound bigger, at 4lbs 4ozs of pure fighting ability this fish would have been good enough to finish any session off and feel that it has been just another outstanding days fly-fishing but no, after all the hours put in on the river bank I was to get my chance at catching a real lump of a Trout, the sort that have thus far been extremely elusive, on any river you tend not to get many big ones as they hold territory's and they thin out over the course of the fishery, with often a dominating pair I would imagine, as I'm no expert this is simply an assumption but certainly sounds plausible and this may explain the lack of very-large Brownies been spotted as opposed to five years ago when 2 or 3 could been in a 2 mile wander up the beats, or they have just come to the end of their life cycle and awaiting the next generation to break through into the big time.

Four and a quarter pounds of immaculate Trout.
 I re-tackled up and put on a size 10 brown dry fly, I'm not sure of it's name as I am still getting to grips with the amount of patterns that are available, pretty much every one I have caught have come between 5 or 6 different patterns and a couple of wets too. The swim looked perfect for a big-gun too so out went the fly and mended the line once and allowed the tippet to straighten up, as I was doing this a monster of a Trout appeared from under a tree canopy on the far bank, I tweaked the fly very gently as to make it look as real as possible, the fish came straight up underneath the fly, eye-balled it then slowly opened up it's enormous mouth and took the fly so calmly, I needed no invitation for that one, a crisp strike and I was locked into battle with my biggest Trout for a couple of years, in the crystal clear water I saw every single aspect of what had just taken place and what was commencing, I could immediately tell it was a cock fish (male) due to the massive kype attached to the business end, five minutes of relentless stripping of line I had banked the ultimate prize in Trout fishing, a big male of 5lbs or more.

 This was a magnificent specimen which weighed in at 5lbs 7ozs, a big male Trout, the mouth on it was massive, the kype was one of the biggest I've seen and the markings were fantastic too, what a way to sign off on my Trout quest, next up will hopefully be a PB Bream and attempt a PB Carp, both of which won't be easy, I say bring it on, any excuse just to get out on the bank and watch the hours drift by in peace, apart from when the water is being thrashed to a foam, that I can accept. Tight lines Guys.


  1. Some beauties there James, that male is a corker.

    1. Cheers Mark, its been a long time coming for a Trout that size, very elusive indeed, a pukka send off if i ever saw one.

  2. Well done that man.
    Even better hooking and catching one of tbe 3lber's while on speaker phone!

    1. It was interesting eh!, almost a running commentary, oh no it ignored the fly, oh hang on......its on mate, not a bad one either (3.3), well chuffed with that session, i honestly don't think i can fish better or catch a better bag of Trout. Belter.

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End of Season Review.

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