Saturday, 3 January 2015

Angling for Grayling.

 Since my trip to the Test last week where I was catching a number of pristine Grayling in fairly dour condition's I really wanted to get back down and experience that squirmy yet very powerful fight, I have enjoyed fishing for them a lot and I think it is down to three things, very limited amount of rivers hold them, secondly the larger ones seem to be difficult to catch thus providing me with a great challenge and lastly the Grayling are stunning creatures.

 I had watched the weather constantly and although things didn't look good I still went ahead with the trip as planned, I knew with a whole night of rain that the river would certainly be coloured up and probably slightly higher than last Saturday, when I arrived at a little past dawn this was the case and I know the Grayling like to feed in clear water so it was a case of trying to catch some fish and if the Grayling were to come along then great stuff.

Cracking condition Rainbow.
 It took quite a while to find the Grayling but the Trout were putting in a shift as usual, a number of Rainbow's and Brown's to very decent size were blitzing my swim every time a Grayling would appear the glide would be thrashed to a foam again and taking god knows how long to get my targets feeding confidently, the Trout were causing problems - as many as a dozen Rainbows to roughly 4lb, four or five Brown's to about 5lb and two Sea Trout both about 2lb were dominating everything, but within the first 4 hours I had 8 Grayling with the best at 11oz.

Best of the day at 1.6.
Stunning aren't they?
 I moved swims constantly to try locate the fish but the colour in the river was killing the sport as bites virtually dried up altogether, so I headed to a carrier which was carrying a tinge of colour but was still fishable, this move was to save my day and a further 9 Grayling were caught with my two biggest at 1.6 & 1.2 which were both caught as the sunlight started to fade, trotting over depth allowed me to bump my bait straight into the paths of hungry mouths, a tough day but it turned out alright in the end but I would love to fish it when it's CLEAR.


  1. Great result in those conditions, great result in any conditions really. My bad for not coming!

    1. I had been looking forward to it all week, only a monsoon could have prevented me on going there, I just think they're one of the best looking fish in our waters probably just behind Tench & Rudd.

      But I was delighted to have to caught some fish seeing the conditions.


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