Tuesday 26 February 2013


 From one of my trips to Turkey. I bought a cheap rod set-up for about 20YTL and grabbed some bread from the breakfast hall, even being on holiday I found every which way to go fishing, hiring out pedelo's, walking off the beach, boat trips you name it. In the 40c weather the fishing wasn't unbearable but it was bloody hot and the fish did enjoy the bread and had a range of fish, some of which were pretty ugly and some with an abundance of colour.

The man from Atlantis.

A spiny and a very toxic fish.

Lunch time for 1.

Where are you fishy's???

After feeding them a slice of bread.

The calcium cliffs (Pummakkale) in 51c weather and the water was ice cold.

The celsius library at Ephisus.


  1. never got the chance to fish in Turkey but did go to Ephisus an awesome place.

    1. It certainly is an awesome place but in the strong roasting hot sun there is hardly anywhere to get shade, it is an unforgiving place, I fish every time I go Turkey but never for big stuff always just messing around, try not ignore the mrs for too long!


River Nene Double, That's A Wrap!!

   Well well well, I wondered if I was ever going to crack this one, there seems to be enough in the river to target but somehow I couldn...