Monday 22 December 2014

One Out of Two.

 With a busy lead up to Christmas I haven't managed any fishing since my trip out on the Avon, I've wanted to get out but time has been very restricted, so this morning a session in search of Roach and Chub were planned and at around 8am I made my way onto the river, conditions were good with the clarity at the best I've seen it for ages, but it was also very low and for Barbel I love it when these conditions are here but for Roach they need a tinge of colour to feel a little more comfortable but the Chub I needn't worry about so I set myself a target of 5lb or more.

 Early doors I did start with Roach but after an hours trotting I only managed a small Brownie so I changed tactics with Chub in mind, it wasn't long either until the Chub showed their intent as my third trot produced a nice skelly of 4.12, this was quickly followed by a hectic half hour where a further 5 chub cruised to the net ( all around the 3.8-4.0 mark ), everything then went a little quiet so a quick change of bait soon bought on another bite, a more powerful Chub hung on the end whilst trying to plough its way through a sunken tree, a scrap none of the other fish so far had put up so I knew it was better and as it approached me from under the weir pool foam a thick Chub plodded slowly over the lip of the net. I though to myself a certain five was in the bag, this proved to be correct and after a couple of snaps she headed off into the deep water, a 6lber must live around these swims that I have been fishing but as of yet I have yet to catch one over 5.11 surely over time these will just get larger and larger.

My target @ 5lb 3oz.
 After catching the five pound Chub the first half of my target was completed so it was now over to the Roach, bearing in mind my last 3 trips for specimen Roach have all ended in a blank so for the second part of the session I had two tactics in mind which I know are tried and tested, the wind was proving to be very challenging as it was ruining my presentation and with big Roach everything has to be perfect as they are so clever, started off trotting but after an hours fishing with not as much as a touch I switched over to the swim-feeder approach, this over time has bagged probably half of my 2lb Roach over the last 4 seasons and when the trotting isn't happening as planned a good dollop of white crumb usually stirs something into feeding but today they hadn't read the rule book and totally ignored even my tasty looking caster and crumb mix, crazy fish these sometimes, can catch 4-10 Roach in one trip then nothing in four or five sessions, fickle buggers, but I shall catch a couple more 2's this winter given the time.

 Next up is a search for a 3oz plus Gudgeon, a river King Carp, a double figure Barbel and if I can find them a Dace of 8oz or more, all this on the menu tomorrow, hopefully the wind has buggered off by them eh!


  1. A five plus is a great day! That's quite a list of targets for today. I did spot a double barbel yesterday but he wouldn't take my bait rolled right under his nose. And I mentioned to Stu where he was - haven't heard if he caught him yet.

    But good news is a bunch of 3 & 4oz gudgeon came out yesterday - didn't see them but heard on very good authority - will be looking forward to todays report.

    1. Well I managed to achieve two of my three targets and if my barbel was bigger than a couple of pound it would have been all 3........ But I was very happy with the Gudgeon, my god they are big and that Roach was a nice surprise, catch a few pound plusers would make for some great fishing, just waiting for some cold weather, I fear its a little warm still for a Esox. But that Carp was a challenge in itself.


Nene Drought.

   I had high hopes for my first proper outing of the season for Barbel. Thursday's trip up is my seventh visit and to be honest I felt ...