Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Old Tackle.

 I must confess that I do have a massive amount of fishing tackle with most of my tackle is of the modern era but I do have some gear that certainly dates back further than when I was born in the late 80's, but I don't even know how old some of the stuff I have is.

 One part is a fascinating looking leather pouch with what looks like animal skin envelopes, it was made by Hardy bros ltd of Alnwick which also has a range of different lines/tippets of various strengths which are labeled - strong, medium, fine and also some points, complete with labels on each individual line, quite impressive I think but not really sure what to do with it, I wouldn't want to use them but selling something like this now maybe very silly. Here are some pics of it and if anybody knows what it may be worth or whether it's rare or not then I would be very interested to hear.


  1. James, try the Traditional Fishing Forum. There may well be someone on there who can assist you.
    All the best

    1. I will manage to look at that web-page, cheers Russell!, hope everything is well

  2. James, probably this ~


    Item 711

    1. I couldn't open that link Jeff, probably my damn iPad, I'll try at sum point but £180 isn't bad. But I'll hold on to it, worth way more than that I'm sure.

  3. Wish I'd kept my Granddad's gear proper pike and fly man. Homemade lures and flies, but was too young to know.

    1. I know the feeling, you just don't quite know do you until it's too late, but the rods and other bits are very nice but scared to use some it.


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