Wednesday 8 April 2015

Never Expected That !

 After a bumper long weekend of fishing it's back to normal and knocking out the work, as the temperature improves a few more fisheries that I dangle a line will start to come good for various species, today we were basking in lovely spring sunshine and whilst at work an urge to go fishing was playing on my mind, unsure of what I was going to do later on I kept an open mind.

 When I had decided to go fishing for an hour or so I targeted the Tench and Perch with worms, a light setup in conjunction with a fairly responsive float so even the smallest of tweaks would show, after a wander around in the hope of seeing fish I plotted up in a nice little bay but unfortunately I didn't see anything so I one cast to check out depth and the second was plummed perfectly and awaited any inquiries, about 30 seconds and the float lifted and then shot under and I was connected to a good fish, nearly half a minute passed before I saw the fish and then there it was.......a monster Perch that was easily 3lb!, this fish looked monstrous as it rolled on the surface.

......My heart skipped a couple of beats as I scrambled for net the which wasn't set up, I haven't learnt from past experiences yet obviously but I wasn't to worry as the soldier carried on fighting for another minute or so before I could finally usher the net under my prize. What an amazing specimen she was on the bank , so without further ado my personal best of a very pleasing 3lb 6oz.

What an astonishing fish.

Back she goes, fighting fit.

 It was the quickest session I have ever embarked on, why would I carry on after catching that lump.


  1. Nice one! I thought this was gonna be from the Regents for a minute ;) crazy how you can try and try and plan for a big fish and then on a throwaway session you catch your best by some distance!

    With that in mind, I'm just gonna have a little dabble on the cut tomorrow...

    Lovely perch James.

    1. I would love a good Perch off the cut, they are about for a fact. That fish though was just brilliant it didn't sink in all last night, woke up this morning knowing I had finally caught a 3lb plus Perch, anglers that catch stacks of these hopefully feel as elated as I did at this fish, angling at its best.

      Showed my Dad the Perch, bearing in mind he has had them to 4.4 said it was the biggest lake stripey he's seen for 40 years!. So that took some doing.

      Special fish, special moments.

  2. That's a cracker James, proper chunky. Congrats on your PB and happened so fast, but that's fishing for you, expect the unexpected and that's why we love it.

    1. Cheers Mick, so chuffed with that bad boy, or should I say girl. It took me ages to get there and back but fished for hardly anytime at all, just goes to show what can happen.

  3. Fantastic perch James and congratulations on the New PB. That last picture of the fish spines up in the clear water going back is amazing. Well done ;)

    1. What a cracking fish, I have been so envious of many anglers that seem to catch them in their sleep and I couldn't manage one!, so happy it happened and she was very well behaved indeed. Special fish make memorable days. Cheers Danny.

  4. Smashing perch, James. That three came quickly! Ben.

    1. Cheers Ben, well things worth catching take time I suppose but spent many hours on the Thames which are supposed to be "crammed" with them and had nout, fourth trip to one of my stillwaters ....... the rest is history and let's put it this way I'm in no rush to improve it either.


Wye Not.

   Yes, Wye not indeed, I can't think of many places that I have fished that look so good whatever the time of year. This time around I ...