Sunday, 8 November 2020

Heading West.

  With that cold snap last week a thing of the past a nice mild spell now sits over us, hopefully giving the Barbel the green light to do some more feeding. Having had such a poor nights sleep I decided to grab the stalking gear out of the shed and headed over to the Colne for a go at a Barbel. Targeting both countryside and urban sections I gave myself half a chance at possibly catching a big Barbel and potentially checking the Colne off my list as my target of eight rivers by the end of the season still looks to be in contention. 

 I headed around the M25 under the cover of dark as I only had this morning free and 45 mins later I was parked up and scouting my first bit of the river. I have previous on this river with my best at 8lb 8oz and I know larger exist as I had seem them at the beginning of last season albeit further upstream, here I was in the lower reaches in some not so glamorous territory. Any little run or bolt hole I was running a bait through, unfortunately with no idea as to what is present I just did what I know best. Rolling meat.

 As I made my way up I came across some more picturesque scenes and felt alot more comfortable and hoped among the numerous clear runs that I could find a Barbel. 

 But given five hours out in the fresh air I couldn't muster a single bite, only saw one Chub (approx 6lb) and a handful of Roach. Not what I was hoping for but know the Colne is capable of throwing blank after blank at you. Just keep going and an old warrior will be there waiting for me. It does look lovely though.

 Sessions count: 11 trips, 9 blanks, 2 fish.


  1. i spoke to a couple of former regulars recently.the word is otters.i tried an overnighter on staines moor last season,also fishing blind in the dark based on 1 recce 12 months previously.i woke to find a beautiful looking swim,but nothing happened.had a long walk,but saw nothing.what are your rivers ticked off so far,and what are the ones left?i may be able to help with a few.

    1. Alright Grant,

      Staines Moor does hold the odd fish but they move a lot around that way, down stream quite some distance and up past Hithermoore where it all becomes membership waters. I wasn't aware that there was Otter on the Colne, only Minke?

      As for the help, I am always open to advice on where to head on certain rivers, I'm under no illusion it won't be easy.

  2. mine is not a challenge,just records.doubles from trent,thames,lea,h avon,severn and from loddon,st pats,teme,tame(stockport),kennet.blanks on colne,b avon,medway,d stour and nene.ask if there's anything you want to know about them.

    1. At some point if I could pick your brains that would be great because all of those rivers will get some attention, in the process of buying a few tickets in readiness for the new season.


Not So Sweet 17....

   After my trip to the Dorset Stour on the Thursday I opted to head home for a good nights sleep and woke up on the Friday morning fresh an...