Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Four Season's in One Day.

 Today Pike fishing was on the agenda as the weather has turned a lot colder and certainly seems the right time to be targeting them, my destination was the mighty Thames, I was going to use a 6ft spinning with a selection of lures and divers and a second rod was a bit more stout which I had baited with a dead Roach.

Hail storm on it's way.

 I left the house in the pouring rain and the wet stuff persisted for around 2 hours by which time I was nearly soaked through and no sign of any fish and it wasn't until around 2 o'clock that I actually got an enquiry on the deadbait, a slight bob on the float and a short run commenced, I waited for the bite to develop and then strike but it didn't materialize and the fish dropped the bait, it took over an hour to get another sight of a fish, it had been a very difficult day and the sight of the next fish was that of a Pike of around 5-6lbs which followed my Rapala diver on the retrieve but backed off as the lure approached the bank, that follow was the last action of the day as well, my only day-off and I drew a blank in the pissing rain and hail, and not to mention the mercury struggled into single figures before midday, but another time for sure I know the Perch and Pike frequent the areas I explored so, "I will be back".

Nout on the chew.

Thames in Autumn splender

Sunset on a cold day, which heralded the end of the trip.

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