Monday, 16 October 2017

Predator Season off to a Good Start.

 The mighty Thames, a boat and some live baits is possibly the best angling combo possible, the unknown monsters, the inevitable slipping under of the float, it could be 4lb pound, could be 32lb you just don't know and that anticipation is gripping, so much so when October came around I was making noises about getting out in the boat for a virgin Pike cruise. Now it wasn't necessarily a Pike trip to start with as Perch were actually the primary target but the lure of the Pike couldn't be ignored, so I didn't even set up perch gear, Brian only managed twenty minutes or so before caving in to his inner Pikey self.

 After a short motor around the pool we anchored up just off the main weirs flow, the bait went out and it was didn't take long before my float slipped under, I was away! A healthy bend in the rod indicated it wasn't a small fish, after playing her in the deeper water for a few minutes she cruised up toward the net, what looked a low double was resting in the net. Good start!

 The day only got better still as the bites came in very short spells as the Pike went into hunting mode, it was great fun with four taken over two days and lost another four, which was through poor tackle selection more than anything else, that will not happen again, prepared now properly before we get in amongst the big girls which will start to come on the feed now. Looking forward to it for certain!

Another shot of the top one, looked awesome.

Looked good, nothing on that trot.

 Won't be long and I'll be back out in the boat, ready for a shot at the larger residents.

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