Sunday, 1 October 2017

Carp Bug: Part One

 After reading Terry Hearns "Pursuit of the Largest" has engaged the inner Carper, something I've not done properly for a long time and not likely to do it for long, this will be a stop gap whilst the colder weather settles in and I can target the Grayling and Pike. I have had an eye on a couple of locations of late, a couple of lakes and couple of separate sections of river where I believe a chance or two will come about should I put the time in.

 Carp are typically a target around April to June as the river season isn't open and I sometimes struggle to decide on what to target, lakes, canals and reservoirs are not in short supply where I live (within 30 minutes drive) and when the conditions are right they do make for good fun, especially on the canals as they are extremely nomadic. However on a lake they don't have much choice but to be close by, just a little smarter and do take some work to get amongst. So my latest foray on the Carp front has resulted in some ground work but I didn't expect it to take too long, problem is many anglers I encounter do the same thing and wonder why not many are "coming out", a little variety in tactics usually does the trick and this trip in particular was no different, a good couple of hours resulted in three Carp all in the double figure bracket but certainly not the monsters I have in mind.

 Good practice though it has to be said and my MKIV Avon got a very good workout which was to be expected, so here were the first of the candidates, it has to be said they are pretty and in very good condition too.

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