Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Trout on the Fly Part Four.

 Today was the fifth time I've been out Trout fishing and it is getting more and more enjoyable every time I go and the weather was perfect for some fly chucking so here is how the day's fishing went.

 A nice Brown Trout of ( 1.8 ), a good hard scrap off another muscular spotty.

 This is probably one of the most strangely shaped fish I've ever seen, what are your weirdest catches?

It was one very chunky Brownie of about 12ozs, it was certainly a weird looking fish but fighting fit.

This stunning Brown Trout of 3lb 7oz, a proper fish and a 2nd big fish in two trips.

A fantastic and pristine fish.

A storm was quickly brewing though, time to push on.
 But the session then took on an unexpected twist as the Trout made way for an array of silver fish.

 A batch of 11 Dace and another 3 Trout plus a surprise Rudd of 11oz.

  The Dace averaged about 5ozs and the largest was weighed at 7ozs, never had Dace on the fly and not a Rudd either, so it was a very good days fishing. The Rudd below, arguably the prettiest species in our rivers.

The colours are so perfect, I wish I caught more.
 If you have caught fish with strange appearances or deformities then I would be interested to see what you guys come up with. Until next time.....Tight Lines.


  1. Very nice James. I still think you should give me an invite to fish for those cracking trout. In my river a 2lb fish is very big.

    Well done.

    1. Cheers Richard, they never get tiring the fight is always great fun.

      In regards to the invite, if your ever in the south-eastern corner of our lovely country armed with a rod, in sure I could put you on a few spots with enormous potential, a chance of a 3lb + Trout is very real.



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