Monday, 25 August 2014

Baby Pike.

 Before last September Pike were a somewhat unknown species of fish to me, having only caught a few in all my years of fishing I felt last season I had to give them a go and I was pleasantly surprised by the enjoyment that the Pike fishing provided, so much so that this winter I will be hopefully picking up where I left off, but it won't only be Pike but it will be predators in general, a little bit of attention and I've already improved my Pike PB to 19.5 and my Perch PB 2.13.

Spirited jack.
Another little monster.

Plenty of these, the Pike love them.

 So yesterday I headed off out for Pike and maybe a rogue Perch, this is all practice for my trip up to the Wye next month and I did get quite a few runs as the Jack Pike were running riot, 3 little Pike caught on the sprats and 2 also caught when I was dabbling in a bit of trotting and the 2-5oz Roach were getting grabbed by the hungry Esox, these ranged from 2lb up to around 13-15lb and although I managed to actually land two of them another two bit me off and the largest to bite me off was a good mid-double which tail walked right in front of me and the 4lb line must have grazed one of the teeth and it was gone, but five small Pike was pretty good fun, all in good time the bigger ones will surely get snuffed out.


  1. Good stuff, and love the photos.

    1. Little Esox, mischievous sods, great fun but I want to locate some of their grandparents and sooner rather than later, but only time will tell.


End of Season Review.

   The 2024/25 season was certainly one of the quickest, I can not believe its over already but it was pretty good!   Highlights of the seas...