Thursday, 8 December 2011

10th November 2011

A couple of weeks off of the waters owing to work saw me only go out for a nights piking on the thames, to which i beat my brother at 2-0, but he did have a 9lbs 9ozs zander absolute monster, my 2 pike were only small ones, 5lbs 2ozs and a pb 10lbs 0oz esox and a 2lbs+ perch each.

                                                A long 10 lbs esox

                                                 Richard's 9 lbs 9ozs Zander (new pb).

But back to my beloved Barbel exploits saw me try a spot I have never managed to see or catch a barbel from and have a few friends on the river who have had barbel from there so thought of giving it a go, and took about 2 hours of real patience before even a knock came around and did hook the fish but within 10 seconds the hook slipped so back to the game plan, didnt wait long within 5 minutes had a take and landed this 6lbs 13ozs torpedo, which within 10 minutes of that was followed by another of 6lbs 7ozs. 6 pounders coming through quite reguarly recently :).

                                                                          6lbs 13ozs

                                                                            6lbs 7ozs

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