Sunday, 18 December 2011

A very cold night on the bank!

  Been waiting to get back to the rivers and do some Barbel fishing and thought i'd go back to spot i had my 10lbs 9oz specimen from 2 weeks ago and with the moon out and no cloud was'nt expecting much but first cast and 10 seconds later hooked into a fish which turned out to be a 3lbs 10oz Chub.

 So after the initial excitement the bites came at about 1 every 45 minutes so very slow but got a take at about 1am and hooked a Barbel possessed by something, never had a fish scrap so hard in the water and on the bank, another great sized fish weighing at 7lbs 9ozs, also had 2 other Barbel at 5lbs 15oz and 4lbs 6oz.

                                                     7lbs 9ozs.

  After that session moved about 3 miles down river just before dawn and went roving free-line tactic and after searching lots of little runs and deeper holes found a solitary Barbel hiding behind a sheet of corrigated iron, was very hard to spot nearly walked on until it moved out about a foot from its hold-up, after about 12 casts with the free-line meat finally got the presentation spot on, the take was emphatic a good strong fight which lasted along time and not having slept or eaten for about 20 hours, felt like a massive carp my arms were aching like mad but was very happy to see it slide into my net, biggest of the session at 8lbs 4ozs.

                                        8lbs 4ozs a very welcome whiskers.

1 comment:

  1. Not looking for exact spots but roughly where you think barbel numbers are strongest on the wandle. Would be good to hear from you


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